
“Revision is not, as the word suggests, simply ‘looking again’ at the material covered in a course – it is a more active task.  It involves organising material and finding ways of remembering it, that suit your own particular learning style. Although the time you set aside for revision is important, the approach you adopt and the techniques you use to revise are more vital.” (Open University Learning Space  This includes mixing various ways of revisiting information including the use of multimedia such as audio and text, graphics and mind maps etc. It also includes sorting and organising facts and storing them for re-use at any time.

Accessibility issues are likely to arise where it takes longer to access materials and alternative formats. Good support, clear guidelines and reminders can help to prevent anxiety and assist time management and organisational skills.

Student Advice

Time Management and Organisational skills hints and tips.

University of Oxford Coping with revision and exams or the University of Southampton guide

Open University revising, exams and assessment

BBC Ouch Talk! – revision ideas

Staff Advice

Barriers to learning are discussed on the Open University making your teaching inclusive website.

Bournemouth University academic study support for exam revision.

Teachability Creating accessible examinations and assessments for disabled students.

JISC CETIS Online accessible assessments guidance

JISC TechDis e-assessment guides